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Get to know about Amazon Web Service Platform

Start-up companies like Amazon are already familiar. It can be said that Amazon is one of the most successful start-up companies in the world.

One of the Amazon services that will be discussed here is the Amazon Web Service (AWS). This service exists since 2002 but is currently booming after many companies found they needed cloud infrastructure. Yes, Amazon Web Service is a service that gives users the ability to use the cloud as a place to store integrated data that is easy to customize.

Variety of Amazon Web Services

As a Computing Service: This service is created specifically to provide infrastructure services for users who want to use Amazon to compute a clustered server. You can have one or more networks distributed to all Amazon data centers. You can also customize the cases as you wish. To learn all about this takes time. However, if you are interested in creating an integrated system for your company, Polar Seven is the best choice. Polar Seven is an amazon’s web service partner Sydney wide with experience in the AWS field. For more information, you can visit the website at

Examples of Computing Services are:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Elastic Load Balancing
  • Amazon Elastic Map Reduce

As a Storage Service: This service is created specifically to provide infrastructure services for users who use the Amazon platform to store data. You can use this service as a backup media or Content Delivery Network.

Examples of Storage Services are:

  • AWS Storage Gateway
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Amazon Cloud Front
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

As a Database Service: This service is created to store databases in the cloud. The purpose is to allow you to access the data anywhere and anytime. If you are a web application developer, this service is beneficial to save you time when configuring and replicating data.

Examples of Database Services are:

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Amazon ElastiCache
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Amazon SimpleDB

If you have a website, online store, start-up company, or other business that is related to the cloud, you can use Amazon Web Services. This service can facilitate your various business systems to be better integrated.

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