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List of Medical Devices and Functions

Medical Devices and Their Functions – Friends, this time we want to share information about medical devices and their functions. This introduction is very important for friends, especially medical students who require knowing medical device installation and their functions. For students, they might be confused in looking for references when they want to make a medical paper.

Therefore, I hope this article can be useful for you all. Not only does it introduce medical devices and their functions, we also present their images so that it makes it easier for friends to visualize each medical device. That way, you can’t forget when you see this tool. Well, here are the medical devices and their functions that must be known:

Wheel chair

The function of a wheelchair to help people who have difficulty walking due to illness, broken bones or due to disability since childhood. Wheelchairs in the medical world there are two variants namely electronic wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs. As for the type, there are many standard wheelchairs such as wheelchairs for cerebral, standard wheelchairs etc.

Patient Bed

Bed patients are medical instruments that are used to treat patients. This tool serves to sleep patients who are hospitalized in the hospital. Bed patients are of two types, namely electric patient bed and manual patient bed.

Infant Warmer

Infant Warmer is a medical device that is used to warm a baby when newborn and has a temperature problem. That is, the baby has not been able to adapt to the temperature of the environment so often cold. Therefore, it is necessary to handle using this tool.

Baby Incubator

The incubator is a device similar to the mother’s womb and is used for intensive care for babies. As with chickens, a mother needs to incubate the eggs to be perfect. Even with humans, if prematurely born is needed special and intensive treatment, because the baby is incubated.


Ultrasonography (USG) is a medical device that serves to image internal organs. With this tool you can find out the inside of the patient’s body such as the fetus, kidney, liver, stomach, intestines, and so on. This tool includes sophisticated and modern tools.


X-Ray is a medical tool for imaging body parts in patients. At first glance is the same as ultrasound, but this tool uses x-rays and is commonly called a X-ray. Through this tool, parts of the body can be known and taken pictures.

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