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The best books about business development from Viacheslav Brahinets

The best books about business development from Viacheslav Brahinets

If you’re in business development, you need to work on personal development to beat the competition. A lifelong learning approach is a crucial trait of successful business developers.

How to get new knowledge?

Learning doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s not about starting a new education cycle to make a career change but rather about a habit you integrate into your daily life. A good option is to read books on business processes:

  • Marc Roberge’s Sales Acceleration Formula: a book gives many ideas on creating an outreach strategy. From targeting to building a great team. It covers everything you need to know to get started growing your business. Since Mark worked as a CRO at Hubspot, this provides many concrete examples of how they have managed to grow exponentially through their sales efforts.
  • Masters of Networking by Ivan Mizner: This is a collection of articles about various networking aspects with very different examples. But they all focus on the central element of networking – mutual benefit.
  • Max Altshuler sales hack: It’s a book for modern business development managers. It answers questions we’ve all asked ourselves at least once that no one seems to have answered. Questions such as: How do I find potential customers? How can I maximize reach? He does this by drawing on the author’s personal experience, which I find extremely valuable. Max also provides a pervasive list of tools you can use to enhance your outreach strategy.
  • Predictable Search by Marylou Tyler and Jeremy Donovan: this book deserves to be in the top 10 business development books because it offers so much practical advice. It outlines the entire strategy from A to Z on creating an effective promotion strategy.

A business developer’s job is to be our company’s eyes and ears. You cannot consider yourself a professional until you realize the importance of personal development.

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